Get a Glimpse of Protibox in Action!

We are thrilled to share the latest milestone in our journey towards revolutionizing organic waste management. The new video showcasing Protibox in action is now live, and we couldn’t be more excited to present our progress!

Transforming Waste into Resources

At Protibox, our mission is to transform organic waste into valuable resources, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly world. Our team has been working tirelessly to develop innovative solutions that not only address waste management challenges but also promote a circular economy. The new video offers a behind-the-scenes look at our processes, technologies, and the passionate team driving these innovations forward.

Get a Glimpse of Protibox in Action! 🌟 – The Video is Up!

Join Us at Upcoming Events

We’re not just stopping at showcasing our work online. Protibox is hitting the road to present our groundbreaking solutions at key industry events. Here’s where you can catch us next: 📅 June 3-4: Tideline Wave of Change in Biarritz, France 📅 June 5: Valuing Our Waste Challenge in Hauts-de-France These events are incredible opportunities for us to connect with industry leaders, stakeholders, and anyone passionate about sustainable innovation. We’re eager to share our insights, learn from others, and explore new collaborations.

Stay Tuned for Exciting Updates

We have a lot more in store! Protibox is continuously evolving, and we’re excited to share every step of our journey with you. Keep an eye out for more updates, announcements, and breakthroughs as we lead the way in sustainable innovation.

A Special Thanks

Our progress wouldn’t be possible without the unwavering support of our partners and collaborators. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to:

  • Pôle TEAM2
  • Réseau Entreprendre® Nord
  • Normandie Incubation
  • Bpifrance
  • Région Hauts-de-France
  • EuraTechnologies
  • EuraMaterials
  • Waves of Change Coalition
  • Ecolab – Greentech Innovation
  • Ville de Biarritz

Thank you for believing in Protibox and supporting our mission. Together, we’re making a significant impact on organic waste management and paving the way for a greener future.

Watch the video now and join us in celebrating this milestone! 🚀💡🌱


  • Mark Hopkins

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    • Julie Coleman

      Consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae suscipit tellus. Quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus. Mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt.

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